
1.The Sants Time Bank is a non-profit project.
2.The Time Bank promotes the exchange of services and knowledge using the time as a method of payment. No matter what service is exchange. The ultimate purpose of these exchanges is to create a mutual help network and help meet certain needs of the users of the Sants Time Bank.
3.The measure of exchange is the time, independently of the type of service that is exchanged between the users.
4.All persons over 18 years old can individually sign up for the Sants Time Bank. After the interview and with the commitment to use it, offering and requesting time, as well as fulfilling the established rules or regulation.
5.The persons enrolled in the Time Bank must offer hours of their free time to do the services requested and, at the same time, may request the same number of hours for those activities in which they are interested.
6.Each person enrolled at the Sants Time Bank will be the holder of a current account that will be able to manage directly through a computer program. On this platform you can check the list of available services to exchange and make the corresponding payment for the service made by another person. To ensure the balance between supply and demand there is a limit of 10 negative hours.
7.The Secretary of the Time Bank aims to promote the knowledge and the exchange between the enrolled persons, encouraging mutual trust. To that end, it will organise regular user meetings and other group activities.
8.The persons enrolled in the Time Bank promise to accept and fulfil these operation regulations and the non-compliance with them could lead to a sanction or even expulsion.
9.To maintain the health of the Sants Time Bank and to be an efficient tool in the transformation of the district, users undertake the agreement of doing a minimum of 3 interactions a year. Interaction is understood as any exchange (demand or supply), attendance to a workshop, users meeting or any other activity organised by the Sants Time Bank. In case of incompletion, the secretary of the Sants Time Bank will contact the user to value their situation.
10.The Secretary of the Time Bank is not responsible for any problems that may arise during an exchange. However, the people doing the exchange are willing to accept the risk. Services are not guaranteed and there may be situations where a service provider does not meet the expectations of the one who receives them. We ask for the appreciation of the effort each person puts in and this is what makes the Time Bank work. The Sants Time Bank will mediate within its capabilities the conflicts between user who have not been able to resolve it by them selves and their decisions will always be final and without possibility of appeal. If there are irregular actions, the Sants Time Bank can sanction the users, from forcing them to return the credit obtained until the expulsion from the system.
11.The user of the Time Bank and the secretary’s office promise to keep the maximum confidentiality regarding the data of the Sants Time Bank users. All users must protect the privacy and confidentiality of other users. A user may be expelled from the community for this reason.
12.The Time Bank users cede the rights to their image to the Time Bank secretary to use the photographs taken during the meetings or workshops in bulletins, web pages, etc. Personal data can not be used for any purpose other than managing and fulfilment of the exchanges between users. Nor will personal data be transferred or shared with third parties outside the Sants Time Bank.
13.The Sants Time Bank will participate in those activities organised by other Sants entities in order to spread the project, with the voluntary collaboration of its users.

Useful advice for the exchange of the services.

When someone contacts you directly, try to answer as soon as possible , whether or not you can do the exchange. This does not apply to Whats’app mailing list (for urgent demands) where you just need to answer if you want to do the service.

Make sure that the other person understands what he/she is going to do before the exchange begins.

Contact the user in advance if you can not arrive on time to give the service or it must be canceled.

The person who gets the service agrees to make the stipulated payment as soon as possible after the exchange. If the exchange involves a previously agreed cost, make sure to pay for all the necessary materials, parts or ingredients.

Be more patient and open than critical. We are here to share and learning to know each other is a lot.

Respect the other people, whether religion, beliefs, political affiliations, etc.

What not to do

  • Do not smoke on the site of other users without their consent.
  • Never accept money or tips.
  • Do not consume alcohol, drugs or other substances while providing the services (In case it happens, it is reason for an automatic expulsion)
  • Do not buy alcohol or tobacco to other users.

To keep in mind

The offers and demands that you have in your user profile must be up to date, meaning that the ex-changes must be able to be made if they ask for your services or offer you the service. From TimeOverflow you can modify your profile and the offers and demands at any time.

If you have to be inactive for a while (no need, illness, travel, etc.) notify the Secretaria so they will put your profile on “paused”. You will continue to receive communications and maintain your balance hour but you will not appear available for exchanges. Whenever you want we will reactivate your profile.

Remember that you can not charge any Time Bank service, except for the payment of materials and, be sure yo agree in advance on the price of those materials.

Workshops and activities can be open to non Time Bank users. These places are managed directly by the workshop owner and also do not involve any money as the spaces are assign to the Sants Time Bank free of charge.

When you want to participate in a workshop or group activity, you must inform in advance so that the number of attendees can be predicted. Out of respect for the person organising, this is considered a commitment so, if you have an unforeseen last minute event and you can not participate please let us know. In case of non communication it will result in a penalty of 30 minutes.

Download the document with the “Time Bank Rules and Recommendations of exchange” (pdf, 45 kb).